November Oklahoma Sandhill Cranes

Howdy Hunters,

Just a reminder about our November Sandhill Crane hunting. It is in a word, awesome!  The limit is 3/person per day.  The Cranes in November in Oklahoma are just outstanding.  You’ll see groups of 5,000 to 6,000 at a time.  It is a sight to behold.  We charge $225/person per morning Crane hunt or you can lock in our 3 day package for $1125/person.  The 3 day package includes 3 nights of lodging, meals and 3 morning Crane hunts.  We hunt over milo and corn fields within 30 minutes usually of the Frederick, OK area using Deception Decoys.  The Cranes don’t know what hit’em!  Book your dates today so you can gets some “steaks” in the freezer!